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Wipe Off Weekly Menu Board

Write By: Make and Takes Published In: DIY Tips Hits: 6164 Comment: 0

I am a meal planner. I refuse to go grocery shopping without my week’s worth of meals planned out and list made. (It’s either that or wander aimlessly around the grocery store for two hours and then make ten more trips back during the week to get things I forgot.) Once I get the groceries unloaded, I usually forget what I planned for, so I put together this super easy wipe-off menu board to keep track of what’s for dinner each night!

DIY Dry Erase Board And Chalkboard

Write By: DIY Candy Published In: DIY Tips Hits: 10298 Comment: 0

I love getting organized. I didn’t know it until I was an adult, because I did not feel this way when I was younger. In addition to organization, I’ve also started eating dinner earlier and grown an appreciation for drugstores – it just all seems to work! One of my latest projects along these lines is this dual DIY dry erase board and chalkboard. It’s perfect to your home decor.

But – it also makes a great gift.

Decorative Chalkboard Door Hangers

Write By: Pretty Life Girls Published In: DIY Tips Hits: 8296 Comment: 0

Picture this. It’s been a really long morning. The kids spilled the cereal, colored on the walls, you’re on Diet Coke IV. Finally, the clock strikes nap time and the heavens part. You get the rascals their sippy cups, their binkies, their favorite blankie, and put them in their beds. After a million stories and kisses and back rubs they are out. You collapse on the couch. You’ve done it. Then from nowhere the horrific ding of the doorbell pierces the quiet you’ve waited so long for. It’s the UPS guy. The post it note you put over the doorbell telling him to knock has failed you. The kids hear it. They start to wail. All is lost.