7 Awesome Decorations to Dress up Your Car

Write By: Elizabeth Published In: DIYthinker Magazine Hits: 7794

Car stickers are seemed to be a good idea at all times. Don't hesitate! Just show off your sttitude and style with cool and classy car stickers.

Messenger Car Sticker

Me: I miss you

You: Of course you do.

Me: Ehhhhhh………….

Create your unique dialogue box with it.


Angry Bird Car Sticker

Angry for what?

Angry for HUNGRY!!! Fuel me.


Peeking Sticker

Catch me if you can! Bye~


Audrey Hepburn Car Sticker

Watch out! I’m looking at you. Don’t get too close.


MAMA in car sticker

Protect the national mums. Show your love and care to the pregnant.


Baby in car sticker

Take care of your babies new born to the Earth. Here are the Baby in car stickers with leading cartoon characters.


Eagle Car Sticker

Chase after me! I am just as fast as an Eagle. Eagle rocks!


For more products, please visit our website on http://www.diythinker.com/gifts-car-stickers


Tags: car sticker cool