Do You Know About Islam?

Write By: Elizabeth Published In: DIYthinker Magazine Hits: 10679

Islam is one of the largest religions in the world, with over 1 billion followers. It is a monotheistic faith based on revelations received by the Prophet Muhammad in 7th-century Saudi Arabia. The Arabic word islam means “submission,” reflecting the faith's central tenet of submitting to the will of God. Followers of Islam are called Muslims.

According to Islamic tradition, the angel Gabriel appeared to the Prophet over the course of 20 years, revealing to him many messages from God. Muslims recognize some earlier Judeo-Christian prophets—including Moses and Jesus—as messengers of the same true God. But in Islam, but Muhammad is the last and greatest of the prophets, whose revelations alone are pure and uncorrupted.

The sacred text of Islam, the Qur'an, was written in Arabic within 30 years of Muhammad's death. Muslims believe it contains the literal word of God. Also important is the tradition of the sayings and actions of Muhammad and his companions, collected in the Hadith.

Islamic practices center on the Five Pillars of Islam—faith; prayer; fasting; pilgrimage to Mecca; and alms—and include several holidays and rituals as well.

Traditionally, Muslims celebrate two major festivals - 'Id Al-Fitr’ and 'Id Al-Adha’. They celebrate one month of daytime fasting - Ramadan. And they also observe a day of voluntary fasting - 'Ashura, which is also an important Shiite festival. (Also compare: Sunni and Shia Muslims.)

The primary symbol of Islam is the star and crescent, which is featured on a number of flags in the Middle East. Other symbols include the name of Allah in Arabic script and a mosque silhouette.

Islamic architecture is distinctive, featuring regional variations in both Islamic and non-Islamic countries. Mosques, houses and gardens provide the best examples of Islamic architectural principles, displaying distinctive arches, tile designs, towers and interior gardens. One of the central concepts of Islamic architecture is that of privacy, and for this reason it is referred to as "architecture of the veil."

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